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Microsoft struggles with ActiveX

Microsoft developers seems to fight amongst themselves. One group must make Internet Explorer secure, the other group must promote and use ActiveX.

First they made a pop up whenever a site wanted to install an ActiveX, then they had to block it and warn the user. It is a difference to say "yes" to an ActiveX pop-up then to download and run a file. ActiveX seem to be a part of the web-page and browser so ActiveX is more a security risk i think. Plus it is propritary to Microsoft so it's a stranglehold on their monopoly.

Anyway, look how simple things can be but noooo Microsoft keep pushing their combersome, bad-coded, security risky bloat upon us! Death to Microsoft! :p



Oh here is some more anti-MS stuff now that you are all fired up


"The founder of the Samba team of developers, which took years to create print and file server software that works with Windows, said his team is held back and playing catch-up. 'The tiny device I have here in the palm of my hand is the sort of product that could emerge if the information required by the Commission were available,' Andrew Tridgell said, holding a paperback-size storage server that he said could be turned into a work group server. Once it gives over the information, 'Microsoft no longer has a stranglehold over the world's networks,' he said."


"Microsoft relies on the fact that its communication protocols are technologically innovative and are covered by intellectual-property rights"
"technologically innovative" - nonsence all you are about here is needlessly duplication open protocols so as to get locking on the entire Internet.
"Linux can win as long as services / protocols are commodities .. By extending these protocols and developing new protocols, we can deny OSS projects entry into the market"

Vinod Valloppillil Nov 1998 [catb.org]

See here where you tried to claim ownership of TCP/IP hrough the tried and tested method of co-mingling functionality er .. polluting the protocols. Blunk pointed out that Microsoft is claiming some form of IP rights over "a total of 130 protocols which Microsoft is offering for license." "Many of the listed protocols are [IETF] RFC [request for comment] documents, including but not limited to the core TCP/IP v4 and TCP/IP v6 protocol specifications," he said in his note.
Larry J. Blunk, Merit Network Inc. Nov 2004 [eweek.com]

Read Slashdot and become an Open Source Software supporter yourself! NINJA!

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