Hi! This is me, I like GOA (have a listen, more here) and japananimation (ooohh matrix).
Name: Krischnov and Polder call me Jånny, I think thats because I say stupid things every now and then, that makes them go "oh man..."
Nick: Gambler FEX online / DarkUltra / Klumpo
Server ICQ: 39020030
Sorry I'm not much of a chatter I just hurt peoples feelings
eMail: aka_mecha@c2i.net I get lots of spam so can take few days before I reply
Battlefield 2 stats
This is two of my friends which I play games with every now and then.
Here me and Morten are observing a 1on1 Starcraft game. I am MegaAss and he is InfectedAss, and they are obviously not happy about us watching.
Me and Espen once did a tactic together in Freelancer where I sent off a cruise disruptor and Buttmonkey launched a missile finishing off a much higher level player that tried to escape. I captured a screenshot right after. He had been killing us over and over (we respawn at a nearby space station) so it was nice to finally get him hence the adrenalin kick.
Keep sniping everything is under control :)
aesop earning his veteran knife award!!!
Kristian and Martin, aka Krischnov and Polder. I hang out with them awhile, they are very funny.
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