Trillian Pro memory bandwidth issue
This is the memory bandwidth testing page for the Trillian review. I learned it from this thread
. Software projects which value quality over features generally steer clear of such things.
Update 6: 3.0 might be fixed! Here are the results:
ICQ and MSN connected 2727
then i disconnected both 2735 +8
Not running 2740
Update 5: 2.012: no change
WinXP Pro SP1a, Sandra 2004.sp1 RAM Int Buffered.
ICQ and MSN connected 2993
then i disconnected both 3044 +51
A user said this membandwidth and extreme I/O Other usage has something to do with the way Trillian is programmed; quoting GreenAlien:
I'm using the latest 2.012 Pro and the memory bandwidth still appears to be very high still. I've just run Trillian and left it running for no more than 5 minutes and it drawfs all other programs in terms of memory bandwidth. "I/O Other" is still about 500/sec continuous drain, and "I/O Read Bytes" is also very high. I can't see this being fixed I'm afraid -- this is just very poor software design. It's using a continuous polling technique instead of using 100% events. When it came to designing the IM plugins it looks like they took the easy option.
It's "by design," then, and there is no "memory leak" to fix. That means Trillian Support either lied to me or didn't know, and that means I can demand my money back.
Probably not but I really really like Trillian and I want it fixed!!!
Update 4: 2.01 Final doesn't look better
WinXP Pro SP1a, Sandra 2004.sp1 RAM Int Buffered, IOPageLock limit max, Athlon Barton 2500, 215x10.
free 0.74 E, MSN+ICQ connected 2881
pro 2.01 final, just installed 2861
added MSN, connected 2822 -39
added ICQ, connected 2803 -58
Someone in the "uncovering thread
" noted Trillian has extreme "I/O Other" usage in the Task Manager (enable the column to see it). I started Trillian and let it idle for 30 seconds:
free 0.74 E, MSN+ICQ connected 5 247 I/O others
pro 2.01 final ICQ+MSN connected 34 292 I/O others
Update 3: The 2.01 beta doesnt look any better, here is recent testing:
WinXP Pro SP1a, Sandra 2003 RAM Int Buffered, IOPageLock limit max, Athlon Barton 2500, 215x10.
pro 1.0 E 3179
added MSN, not connected 3191
added ICQ, connected 3150 -41
pro 2.0 beta 3191
added MSN, connected 3150 -41
added ICQ, connected 3094 -97
pro 2.0 final 3193
added MSN, connected 3146 -47
added ICQ, connected 3126 -67
free 0.74 E, MSN+ICQ connected 3194 -0
Update 2: Trillian 2.0 Pro I found no difference
Update: A "memory bandwidth issue" have been uncovered, and I've confirmed it myself.
Sandra 2003, Int Buffered aEMMX/aSSE Bandwidth
0.74d 1.0c 2.0 rc3 2.0 final
not open: 3057 3020 3030 2984
ICQ+MSN : 3084 2962-2,0% 2943-2,9% 2909-2,5%
Quake 3 v1.32, FOUR.DM_68
not open: 247 250 247 241
ICQ+MSN : 247 244-2,4% 241-2,4% 235-2,5
~70MB memory bandwidth is bloat, which is much more than all four ICQ/yahoo/MSN/AIM clients at once.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ width space workaround _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _