Author Archives: Gambler FEX online
Creeping navelwort (omphalodes verna) wet drops
Nettle butterfly (Nymphalis urticae)
Jello ball (orbeez) on a carnation (dianthus caryophyllus) flower
Bumblebee with pollen on a summer ragwort (Ligularia dentata)
Autumn heather (Erica vagans) wet focus stacked
Two hover flies (Syrphidae) on a Kamelia flower
Jello ball orbeez with Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) and water droplets

Wet hover fly (Syrphidae) on a thistle with a black background
Green sprout drop Yummy Heaven shines through refraction

I placed a water drop on a green sprout and a Yummy Heaven candy bag behind and this is the result. I also took several pictures and focus stacked them so the entire plant is in focus.
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