Karate, Wado Ryu |
The Karateclub I'm member of, is Samurai. On this page, you'll find some information about it.
- What's Wado Ryu?! Explain!! - |
The karatestyle is Wado Ryu, which means "The good way". Easy to actnownledge since we first of all learn not to fight. The safety is important. As Toro (Japanese master in Wado Ryu) says: "Safety first". The blocks goes slightely backwards... This is to prevent us from getting surverius damage. Quite comfy and effective.
If you take a look at our combinations, and for example the kicks, you'll discover the trouble of attacking against them. That's why Wado Ryu Karate is much about selfdefence.
About the thing not to fight... Whe have to avoid fights with all our might, no matter situation. If a guy who looks a little wierd comes over to you with a knife and asks for 10 bucks, give him them. Even if it's your last one. Maybe you can kick his ass in two seconds, but what happens then? He might have some "nasty" friends, or maybe you'll end up on the police-station for have been "noisy". That's some of the reasons we learn not to fight...
- My club - |
My club is located in Oslo, Furuset. It's address is Professor Birkelandsv. 32. It's a small dojo, 6*30 metres. To your right you'll see a picture with some of the members. The man in the front is Odd Arne Hagen. He is one of the club's veteran, and have assigned the 4'th dan!
- Wado Ryu Info - |
SU HA RISH HA RI is a saying in Martial Arts. It is not clear where or when it originated. |
SU means to obey, observe, follow, etc. Therefore the teachings (spiritual and technical) of predecessors should be followed faithfully. |
HA means to 'break'. After mastering these teachings thoroughly, develop them even further. |
RI means to separate from, part from etc. Create new superior things quite apart from the two previous stages 'SU' and 'HA'. |
This doctrine is not only applicable to Martial Arts but to all arts.However, it is not possible to achieve all this in five or even ten years. You may need the inherent ability. Even then you need devoted training for many years. This may be a virtually impossible task to achieve in modern times. Finally 'SU HA RI' does not mean obeying blindly, breaking away for personal gains, or creating different things for the sake of it just to please yourself or your students.
Loyalty is one of the most important aspects of Martial Arts.