Bilder av meg og noen kamerater!

(med tjukk L)

Vevmesteren hanselv!

This wasn't a setup.

Meet my good friend Olav(ho)!

Smiiilee to the camera! No, not the spotlight, stupid. (IQ=10)

Oh no! Now he's thinking about the girls in his class again! Give him he's pills! Quick!!

And here we have Espen! He aslo study Martial Arts.

And now let me show you what I live in. It's the basement of our house, and it's all mine... =) The spoiled kid over there is me!

1ELA, Electroclass A at hellerud. This is definately the coolest class I've ever ended up in! =)

Another one of me... Just the kid. (think I was 10 years old, then) My elder sister took that picture long ago.