My Computer-Gear
PCgunneren min. En lyspistol som koples til sitt eget interfacekort i PC'en som igjen koples til
skjermkortets feature-connector. Spillet som følger med er dårlig, men jeg skal snart kjøpe Die
Hard Triology!
This is my ZIP-Drive! A VERY handy thing to have when your FTP-downer says: "Sorry, no more diskspace. Resume?" when you're trying to get your hands on the newest Free Agent. Just move old games to I: (My ZIPDrive name in this case)
Cirrus Logic CuickCam. This is the camera which took the pictures on mehe.html One bad thing about it is that if the brightnesslevel is too low, and you must increase the lightlevel to the camera, small green, blue and yellow spots appear all over the picture!
Packard Bell, "SVGA". Cirrus Logic, "1 Meg". Hah! More bugs with that than with W95. A fine thing that Pakkis-Smell has a free number to dial whenever the machine screws up.
My 7 year old Microsoft Mouse. Still good as new. It don't have the protective plastic-shield on the bottom, so the ball falls out when I pick up the mouse...
This keyboard is from an old 286... The first Computer we got! Belive it or not, I'm still using it with the new computer my father bought. The keyboard that came with it, is not useable any more.