a hacker breaks into systems, a cracker modifies exe files so we can play games without CD's. white hat red hat blue hat, you hack the system or not, your choice, its still against the law dont think media will make you a hero as you firmly belive your angle is "chaotic good" heh RPG into this really makes it green, you know some wannabes said cracked did bad stuff hacker did good stuff (by fixing the hole for instance). Next time they send off a worm , it'd be cool if every victim got a big message that said: micros~1 pay $250.000 to get away from their responsibility of power shortage! or bush is prepared for terrors threath on society but ignore environmental problems threat on society! or religion makes people fanatic! its the biggest cause for wars! whens the last time a religious fanatic got a bright idea/"enlightenment" from their god! you all have the same responsibility for the culture around you, and this planet we are wasting. too bad none of us can do anything.