year 2000 was the peak period of oil production and consumption. As Dr. Seuss puts it, "business is business and business must grow," should we expect wars over the last resources on earth after commercial consumption and end-user ignorance. From now on, the graph will descend and civilization as we know it will end. Welcome to the future. The people will not give up their comfort but once understand they dont have to changes might happen. First comes the understanding, then the demand, then a market business will satisfy. A modern way of handle organic waste i.e any food out of date in your fridge, my parents have always just thrown it in the bin together with everything else, paper (snail-mail spam with chemicals i.e colors) plastics metal etc. Its like living in the stoneage if you think about it... A solution only hope I have is maybe if enough people understand the situation something might happen. Changes in kulture or inventions. you can hear the cry of the planet.