Firstly, researchers have identified the area in the brain that is responsible for the sexual orientation, it is a lump of a mere few thousand neurons, and the general hard-core scientific consensus is that homosexuality is a genetical 'thing' that you have since birth. Studies shown that homosexual identity begins very early in life and is rarely 'certeated' by circumstances in the family etc. People are born that way, a consistent 5% within any population worldwide. I have a theory about *why* 'nature' produces homosexuals, as it would seem nonsense when you look at it from an evolutionary point of view, as they don't reproduce by default, except in cultures where homosexuality is taboo and not being married is frowned upon. My theory is that having around 5% homosexuals in a population gives that population an evolutionary advantage over both populations with less than 5% or more than 5% homosexuals. More than 5% would result in a decline in individuals in that group compared to 'competing' groups, and the reason why the groupos benefits from 5% homosexuals is the combination of cultural differentiaton between men & women (woman were not allowed to join a hunt for example), and the fact that women and men's brains are different, which gives women an advantage in certain areas. Male homosexuals have a lot of female character traits, and they could bring those traits ito a hunting party, for example. Very simplified, male homosexuals in primeaval times would bring 'female intuition' into a hunting party, would come home with more meat than another group. That caused an evolutionary equilibrium of the optimum amount of homosexuals, which seems to be around 5%. Homosexuality might not be caused by heriditation, but by a 'random generator' with a chance of 1 :: 20, as the hereditary principle might be unreliable over the generations, with homosexuals. For people who believe in evolution theory, it seems had to believe that nature would produce homosexuals without good reason (Religious ranters may substitute 'God' for 'nature'). Frank Det finnes ingen djevel, "ondskap" er bare ubalanse i kjemien i hjernen. F.eks får du ikke kos av mamma fra du er 0-1 år blir du psykopat. Vokser du opp i et gjeng-miljø tar du etter "systemet." Barn tar etter de eldre. Kulturer utvikler seg og skaper menneskene. Jeg tviler ikke på at det er mye vi ikke vet om universet og hva det nå enn er som er utenfor det, men å tro på en gud og en djevel er gammeldags. På tide "lage" jorden og naturen hellig, og å handle deretter. Ser jeg ikke masse forurensende biler parkert utenfor kirker? Kjører ikke de hver søndag til kirka? Og hvor mye lærte _jeg_ om å ta vare på naturen/miljøet da jeg vokste opp i kirka? Når profeterte de store profetene om grafen til naturresursene? Den er på vei nedover, og vi er ca. på midten nå. Om 100 år er det ikke så gøy å bo på denne planeten lengre. > Dessuten kan det jo hende at det er djevelens forurensning som medfører at > noen dyr oppfører seg homoseksuelt. Det er jo slik blant menneskene. > > -- > Terje Henriksen > Kirkenes > > >