1 we this we that, dont you put words in other people mouths? 2 it is required of me to go to church every sunday, to sing the same songs, listen to the same preahing, and learn the bible+book of mormon etc thoroughly 3 I am expected to think that faith/belief (fanaticism if you want) is a seed that needs to grow and needs good nutrition to become a strong plant. Then you become strong in your faith and are more "untouchable" by the evil/non religious 4 this is efficiently making people fanatic, and creates some sort of control over them; they feel they have to tend to church every sunday and get preached to so their seed/"plant of belief" doesnt wither and die 5 every religion say "we are the ultimate truth, everything we say is 100% true." You are discouraged to think for yourself; any ideas will give you hars glares 6 you usually get a relaxed and good feeling when going to church or having prayers alone or with your family; this in my experience is only psychological. When testing pills or hi-fi equipment they give 50% test subjects empty pills and blindfolds the listeners, this in addition to that i've got the same relaxed feelings elswhere (when we relax/meditate a little after hard workout in the dojo) 7 our local church, God or any holy spirit have never explained to my mother shes just pushing me and my father away by constantly "talking religion" and mentioning and hinting etcetc. A leader in the church had the same issue with his son, and after lots of fights and hurt feelings he eventually figured out this wasnt the way. If I remember him right he got sick/depressed by it too, so why havent my mother figured this out? she often prays and claims to get good ideas and advice but the relationship bewteen mom and dad isnt good, it shouldnt be her responsibility to get us "back." 8 God Bless America/Americans they always say, but arent they just pirates who almost wiped out the real natives. Arent America the biggest source of pollution per-residence in the world. Are their American-Way lifestyle possible in 100 years. I wont call them killers and murdurers, we here in norway sterilized sigoynere (i forgot the english word) no less than 50-60 years go, we all just need a little prespective 9 God created Earth and Man, but Man was "above" the animals thus we can kill and eat them. Some religious people use this as excuse its ok to pump cattle/animals with stereoids so they get more meat and profit. Its OK to milk cows 80% more than what they are naturally made for. Its also OK to drive to church every sunday in a pollutin car. Burning mail-ads in the stove so chemicals get released from the colors, everything is OK there is no attitude whatsoever towards nature and the environment in any cristian-like religion I've seen. There are already thousands of extinct animals and as the rainforest get burned/chopped down Man increase dramatically in population. 10 Just a thought that i dont know much about yet but: Have any prophets predicted the future in detail? not the next 1000 years but the coming 100 years, thats when oil reserves are predicted to go out. Not much transport with gasoline trucks so there might become a food shortage and emergencies. Expecting technology to save us (if my concern has grounds) is a modern way of thinking, its like praying to God and not think/work for yourself.