update: I found a similar thing i was babbling about here http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=lang_da|lang_en|lang_no|lang_sv&ie=UTF-8&selm=dh1zbhc26s.fsf%40kvatro.no Religion er dogmatikk. Dogmatikk er å enkle forklaringer, uten motforestillinger, på vanskelige/komplekse spørsmål. Man skal slett ikke etterprøve religiøse dogmer, og forkaste dogmene hvis de ikke stemmer med observasjoner - det er religionenes grunnleggende natur at man skal "tro". (De er ikke alene om det - partiprogrammer, krystall- terapi og astrologi har ganske sterke elementer av det samme.) http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/humftp/E-text/Russell/agnostic.htm I'm not sure about any of this, jst somethink i've thought about (it might apply to political parties too): claiming oneself to be christian, heathen etc etc or in this case agnostic is generalization and/or "moores law" like: We may find beliefs that "fits our angle" but they're all part of mans logical sense and looks reasonable. However they are not complete, since reality is ever so complex (explaining the "theoretically this should work" saying). They're more like short sets thats compatible with a mans current perspective on life/reality, but when he learns more and get broader perspective, he finds how much they are lacking. In short its creating closed-minded people, but thats every religions ultimate goal, to preserve it self. Even though beliefs like the "agnostic" is very harmless and reasonable, it is no different from the church that tells its disciples: "your faith is but a seed, which needs nutrition and care, so it can grow big with strong roots" Effectively making people fanatics. Recognize that your view on reality is limited by your senses and your minds capability of understanding. Can a being really understand its own existence? No, go after knowledge that is logical and gives perspective, heres some, every "living" (in common sence, not some scientists term something that consumes and wastes are living henche a car is living) thing on this planet need oxygen (well most stuff anyway including us) every minute to survive. If you've been inside a jail and not seen the sky in years you would be thrilled to see it again. Here we have beauty in the logical sence of a mans outburst when he see blue sky once again, then we have the knowledge that not many other planets are habitable for beings like us. We also understand the belief that maybe people should suffer a little to be able to be happy. (yes pain give perspective and its awfully nice when its over but i wouldn't ever bring it upon any other being, or advice this belief at all.) In any case here we have a good reason most people, every 3rd actually, are willing to do something for the environment.