Actually New Age and modern charsismatic evangelicalism have many of the same roots (basically they're the product of early post-modernism). Things like the veneration of subjective experience over objective facts - 'I can feel sense the spirits of the dead' is very close to 'I can feel the Holy Spirit in this room'. They're treating subjective feelings as objective facts. Traditional evangelicalism is more like you describe. This was a product of the enlightemnent - everything must be proved/explained - so you'll find those kinds of christian more 'bookish' and generally reject experience as a means to understand anything. Interesting society is still changing - I've been to churches where dogma is almost anatheama and everything is debated and reasoned out, and it's not uncommon for everyone to have a completely different opinion - my own feeling is that will be mainstream within 20 years (at the moment it's a few hundred 'emerging' churches), as society is already a long way along that road - you can see it in slashdot between the 'QT might be true, you never know' and the 'this is bollocks' type of people, getting into arguments about how it's wrong to say anything is bollocks just based on solid scientific evidence...