"Microsoft relies on the fact that its communication protocols are technologically innovative and are covered by intellectual-property rights" "technologically innovative" - nonsence all you are about here is needlessly duplication open protocols so as to get locking on the entire Internet. "Linux can win as long as services / protocols are commodities .. By extending these protocols and developing new protocols, we can deny OSS projects entry into the market" Vinod Valloppillil Nov 1998 [] See here where you tried to claim ownership of TCP/IP hrough the tried and tested method of co-mingling functionality er .. polluting the protocols. Blunk pointed out that Microsoft is claiming some form of IP rights over "a total of 130 protocols which Microsoft is offering for license." "Many of the listed protocols are [IETF] RFC [request for comment] documents, including but not limited to the core TCP/IP v4 and TCP/IP v6 protocol specifications," he said in his note. Larry J. Blunk, Merit Network Inc. Nov 2004 [],1759,1714680,00.asp?kc=EWRSS03119TX1K0000594